National Digital Advertising

Sarah Rivers
Schedule your free consultation to learn more about our new digital circular!
Lets Talk

IGA’s National Digital Ad delivers every IGA retailer sales-building promotional offers. Promoted to your shoppers 52 weeks a year, the National Digital Ad provides you with constant selling support to attract new and existing shoppers.

Digital Circulars


Want to learn more about how the digital circular unites your local content with national offers? Click here.

National Digital Ad Offers*

Keep in mind, these offers are not coupons. They are offers like any other item in your weekly circular and are available to every shopper every day of the two-week ad cycle. Best of all, there’s NO COST to participate, and it’s never too late to get started.

*Offers available at participating stores while supplies last. Some items not sold in all stores.


In-Store Signage

Cost: $75 +shipping


  • 2 Stanchion Signs (22x28)
  • 500 Shelf Sign sheets (11x8.5", 4-Up)

Order Sign Kit

Weekly Ads


May. 7 - May. 20


SKU List

Shelf signs for your store will be sent to the store's registered email address.


Apr. 23 - May. 6


SKU List

Shelf signs for your store will be sent to the store's registered email address.


Apr. 9 - Apr. 22


SKU List, Shelf Signs & Social Media

Shelf signs for your store will be sent to the store's registered email address.

NDAOffergram-750x510-Working-Lavazza 4 (1)

Mar. 26 - Apr. 8


SKU List, Shelf Signs & Social Media

Shelf signs for your store will be sent to the store's registered email address.

NDAOffergram-750x510-Working-CocaCola 3 (1)

Mar. 12 - Mar. 25


SKU List, Shelf Signs & Social Media

Shelf signs for your store will be sent to the store's registered email address.

NDAOffergram-750x510-Working-CocaCola 2

Feb. 26 - Mar. 11


SKU List, Shelf Signs & Social Media

Shelf signs for your store will be sent to the store's registered email address.


Feb. 12 - Feb. 25


SKU List, Shelf Signs & Social Media

Shelf signs for your store will be sent to the store's registered email address.


Jan. 29 - Feb. 11


SKU List, Shelf Signs & Social Media

Shelf signs for your store will be sent to the store's registered email address.

NDAOffergram-750x510-Working-Lavazza 3

Jan. 15 - Jan. 28


SKU List, Shelf Signs & Social Media

Shelf signs for your store will be sent to the store's registered email address.

“These lovely printable materials make it very easy to give my boss a package every two weeks with everything needed to inform the customers of the IGA National Ad offers.”


Eric Miller
Gary & Leo's IGA, Havre, MT


Watch for emails from Scanner Apps with a list of promoted offers and reimbursement information.


Program the IGA National offers into your POS system.


Display offer shelf tags and more for each week.


Submit your bundle reports to Scanner Apps for reimbursement every other week.

Questions or Feedback?

How it Works

What's in the ad?

Every National Digital Ad includes of a minimum of 6 offers procured by IGA and made up of a combination of Red Oval Partner brand products and IGA Exclusive Brand Products. A new ad is posted every other Sunday, creating 52 weeks of consistent selling support.

How will my shoppers see it?

The National Digital Ad is promoted to your shoppers on the IGA Savings page as well as through digital ads on apps, websites and search engines.

Additionally, IGA has created an evergreen in-store signage kit that encourages shoppers to visit to find these offers, you can order this kit by clicking here.

Every individual ad also comes with its own set of in-store and digital promotional resources. Look at the offer schedule to download printable shelf tags to hang in front of participating items and social media graphics to spread the word online. Print circular resources are also available.

Where do I find the offer schedule?

Information related to the National Digital Ad (offers, SKU list, in-store signage and social media graphics) will always be published bi-weekly. New offers are posted as they become available.

Scanner Apps, an Inmar company, will also send an email to all IGA stores in advance of each ad with the information needed to set up the offers in your POS System as well as request reimbursement at the end of the ad period.

How do shoppers receive the discounts and how am I reimbursed?

There are two ways to ensure your shoppers receive the national digital ad discount:

P.O.S. Programming
  1. Offers must be setup in your POS system. Use the data provided by Scanner Apps to setup each offer in your POS system.
  2. Once the offer period has ended, you must follow the instructions sent by Scanner Apps (example here) and submit the needed POS data for reimbursement.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the cost to participate in the National Digital Ad?

There is no cost from IGA to participate in the ad.


2. How will my store be reimbursed for the offers sold?

Inmar Scanner Applications will reimburse your store for offers sold meeting offer requirements. Inmar Scanner Applications will send details of each IGA offer to your store with instructions on submitting a claim to them for reimbursement. Essentially, you will enter the offers into your POS system to ensure purchase requirements are met before the offer is given to the shopper. At the end of the promotional period, you will submit a report to Scanner Apps for the reimbursement with reports from your POS system as backup. Scanner Apps is noted for their prompt processing and reimbursement which will be made by ACH or check.

3. What items will IGA promote?

IGA works diligently to source promotional funding and support from CPG brands for “A” items whenever possible and will try to have as many “A” items as possible in each ad. When “A” items are not available, IGA will substitute other items using its best efforts and judgement to launch ads with the best assortment of items to generate shopper traffic and increase sales in IGA stores. (item lists are in downloadable zip files near top of this page)

4. When will I know which items will be promoted in the IGA National Digital Ad?

IGA intends to finalize the selection of items and the details of the promotion for each a minimum of 3 months in advance of the promotional period. However, at the start of the program, the lead time will be shorter.

5. How many items will be promoted?

The IGA National Digital Ad will have a minimum of 6 items in the feature section of the ad each week.

5.1 What do you mean by “regional” items?

With the new platform in 2.0 IGA has the capability to run offers for brands that might only be in certain regions of the country or available in certain wholesalers. This will be notated in red on the UPC sheets.

6. What if my store does not carry a promoted item?

IGA recognizes that it is not possible to ensure that promoted items will be available in every store across the country. It is also possible given the realities of the supply chain, that promoted items may not be in stock at all times during a promotion. With this in mind, the IGA National Digital Ad will include this statement: “Offers available at participating stores while supplies last. Some items not sold in all stores.”

It is felt that this will provide store associates with a reasonable response to shoppers who will come to the store for an advertised item that is not available.

7. Are the National Ad offers supposed to be programmed so that every customer receives the offer by default, or are customers supposed to show the offer to the cashier on their phone to receive the offer?

The IGA National offers should be programmed so that every customer receives the offer just like other offers in your weekly circular

  • They are available to all shoppers regardless of how they learned of the deal (so be sure to set them up in your POS)
  • The shopper does not need to show or say anything to receive the deal
  • When you submit proper reports to Inmar Scanner Applications (ISA), you will be reimbursed for all offers sold during the effective dates of the offer (2 weeks starting on alternate Sundays through the second Saturday)

8. How will shoppers in my store know about items advertised in the IGA National Digital Ad?

Included in the sign kit are 4-up pre-printed shelf sign stock that can be run through a standard printer to indicate promoted items available in your store. The sign kit includes a variety of other signs, etc., to identify your store as participating in the IGA National Digital Ad program.

Use the shelf signs to promote the offers. Shelf signs are found inside the downloadable zip files near top of this page. Continue to communicate with your shoppers and potential shoppers through emails, your store website, etc.

9. When is the ad released?

New ads will be released every other Sunday. Offers are good for 2 weeks.

10. Where will the IGA National Digital Ad items be promoted?

In May of 2020, IGA stopped using Flipp to distribute the National Digital Ad. We shifted our digital media buy to focus more on the local level. This means less waste in markets with no IGA stores and more impressions in local markets. Second, because we are buying media closer to your store, shoppers won’t be sifting through competitor ads to find yours, a change we know you will like. In fact, they will find your ad in places where they shop: banner ads on websites, online search, in apps and more. IGA will also promote the items for the benefit of all IGA stores on our website and social media pages. Retailers are encouraged to include the IGA National Digital Ad Items in all advertising as well as websites, email, social media etc.

11. NEW! You can now post your entire digital circular on this same platform at IGA National rates.

For just $150 per store, per week, you can have your entire digital circular uploaded to this new interactive platform. Please contact Sarah Rivers ( for more information.

12. For our different ad formats, I want to resize the "Find More Savings" IGA National Digital Ad artwork.

Download the artwork , and thanks for promoting!

13. I want an easy 1-page PDF that outlines how to get started.

Download the infographic!