Lipton Updates UPCs and Packaging on Key Products

Mar 19, 2025

Starting in mid-April, several Lipton products will undergo a transition in their Universal Product Codes (UPCs). You can access a comprehensive list of current Lipton items, their existing UPCs, detailed item descriptions, and the updated UPCs in the accompanying spreadsheet or the table provided below.

Product Changes

What's changing? Keep reading for details.

Lipton Iced Tea and Cold Brew Packages; New Look

Lipton Family 24-count and Cold Brew 22-count are changing unit dimensions. They will be smaller in width.

Lipton Iced Tea Lemon and Southern Sweet Tea Packages, Now with Reduced Sugar

Current Lipton Iced Tea mixes are converting to reduced sugar with new graphics, but will remain in 28-quart size.

Lipton Iced Tea Unsweetened Package; Now in a canister

Lipton Iced Tea – Unsweetened 30-quart is returning in a canister format. This popular item was previously in a glass jar.

See the full list of products with the current UPCs and new UPCs below. 

Lipton UPC Changes 2025

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