Please do not participate in a Facebook scam about a $100 voucher. Facebook is working to have it removed.
Please do not participate in a Facebook scam about a $100 voucher. Facebook is working to have it removed.
It's time to get ready for your early August National Digital Ad offers!
From August 9–22, every IGA retailer will receive the below set of National Digital Ad offers. Make sure you have product in stock, shelf signs ready to go, and start promoting the offers on social media in the coming weeks to drum up excitement with shoppers.
Once the National Digital Ad starts running on August 9, make the most of it by including signage to promote the offers here. If you have space, you can even create an end-cap with the best-selling products. As Heidi Huff, senior director of Red Oval partnerships, says, "If you don't promote it with signage, it's a secret sale that shoppers won't know about!"
The National Digital Ad will also feature regional offers during this time, so download the full SKU list below.
8745 West Higgins Rd. Ste 210
Chicago, IL 60631
Phone: (773) 693-4520
Fax: (773) 693-4533
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